Fusilli de frango picante / Spicy chicken fusilli
Recordam-se da minha receita de tomates recheados? Podem sempre recordar aqui.
Pois bem, conforme prometido, aqui vai a receita onde aproveitei o interior dos mesmos!
Confesso que já me habituei mais a comida picante e condimentada, e neste momento a tolerância é um pouco maior.
Para este prato utilizei uns chilies fantásticos que deram um toque final ao molho de comer e chorar por mais (literalmente!).
Serve 2 pessoas num total de 460 calorias cada um.
- 200gr de frango cortado aos cubos
- 150gr de fusilli integral
- 400gr de bróculos partidos
- 120gr de cenouras aos cubos
- 50gr de cebola picada
- 35gr de chouriço
- 2 tomates + interior dos outros 4 tomates
- 2 chilies (23gr)
- Azeite
- Sal
- Alho em pó
Colocar o fusilli num recipiente com água e sal, de forma a ficar coberto, e reservar.
De seguida passamos ao molho.
Dourar a cebola num fio de azeite e, quando transparente, juntar o chouriço. Deixar a cozinhar mais um pouco de forma a que a cebola ganhe a cor do chouriço.
Adicionar em seguida as cenouras aos cubos e os chilies picados, mexer bem, e por fim juntar os tomates partidos. Envolver bem, baixar o lume e tapar para deixar cozinhar cerca de 5 minutos.
No fim deste tempo, devem passar o preparado para um copo e triturar até obter um molho espesso. Reservem.
Entretanto juntem um pouco mais de azeite à frigideira para cozinhar o frango. Temperem com sal e alho em pó.
Quando este estiver dourado, juntem os bróculos, mexam e deixem cozinhar em lumo brando e com a frigideira tapada por mais 5 minutos.
Juntem agora o molho e um copo de água e envolvam tudo muito bem.
Devem agora escorrer o fusilli e adicionar ao preparado na frigideira. O tempo que a massa esteve em água ajudou a amolecer e diminuir o tempo de cozedura.
Passem para lume brando, tapem, e deixem cozinhar cerca de 10 a 15 minutos ou até o fusilli estar al dente.
Vão verificando se o molho é suficiente para cozer o fusilli, se não for adicionem mais um copo de água e rectifiquem os temperos se necessário.
Agora ponham um bom copo de água na mesa (ou vinho) e bom apetite!
Do you remember my recipe for stuffed tomatoes? You can always see it here.
Well, as promised, here's the recipe where I used the inside of the tomatoes!
I confess that I have become more and more used to spices and spicy/hot food so my tolerance is bigger at the moment.
For this dish I used some fantastic chilies that gave a final touch to the sauce to eat and cry for more (literally!).
Serves 2 people on a total of 460 calories each.
Well, as promised, here's the recipe where I used the inside of the tomatoes!
I confess that I have become more and more used to spices and spicy/hot food so my tolerance is bigger at the moment.
For this dish I used some fantastic chilies that gave a final touch to the sauce to eat and cry for more (literally!).
Serves 2 people on a total of 460 calories each.
- 200gr of diced chicken
- 150gr of wholewheat fusilli
- 400gr of chopped broccoli
- 120gr of carrots
- 50gr chopped onion
- 35gr of chorizo
- 2 tomatoes + interior of the other 4 tomatoes
- 2 chilies (23gr)
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Garlic powder
Put the fusilli in a pan/recipient with salt and cover it with water. Reserve.
For the sauce:
Brown the onions in a string of olive oil and when transparent add the chorizo. Let it cook a little more so that the onions gets the color of the chorizo.
For the sauce:
Brown the onions in a string of olive oil and when transparent add the chorizo. Let it cook a little more so that the onions gets the color of the chorizo.
Then add the diced carrots and chilies, stir well, and finally add the tomatoes. Mix well, lower the heat and cover and let it cook for about 5 minutes.
At the end of this time put the preparation on a recipient and mash it until you get a thick sauce. Put aside.
Meanwhile add a little more olive oil to the skillet to cook the chicken. Season with salt and garlic powder.
When golden add the broccoli, stir, cover the frying pan and let it simmer in a low heat for another 5 minutes.
Now add the sauce and a glass of water and mix everything very well.
You should now drain the fusilli and add to the preparation in the frying pan. The time the pasta was in water helped to soften and shorten the cooking time.
Cover and cook over low heat for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the fusilli is al dente.
Check if the sauce is enough to cook the fusilli, if not add another glass of water and rectify the seasoning if necessary.
Now put a good glass of water on the table (or wine) and enjoy your food!
Meanwhile add a little more olive oil to the skillet to cook the chicken. Season with salt and garlic powder.
When golden add the broccoli, stir, cover the frying pan and let it simmer in a low heat for another 5 minutes.
Now add the sauce and a glass of water and mix everything very well.
You should now drain the fusilli and add to the preparation in the frying pan. The time the pasta was in water helped to soften and shorten the cooking time.
Cover and cook over low heat for about 10 to 15 minutes or until the fusilli is al dente.
Check if the sauce is enough to cook the fusilli, if not add another glass of water and rectify the seasoning if necessary.
Now put a good glass of water on the table (or wine) and enjoy your food!
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