Adana Kebap (Borrego / Lamb)
Antes de mais tenho que justificar a foto! Tinha tanta fome e estava tão delicioso que me esqueci completamente de tirar uma foto no final antes de lhe pôr o garfo :)
Segundo ponto: alguns de vocês devem estar a tentar perceber porque é que eu escrevi Kebap e não Kebab. Eu explico.
Kebab é a adaptação para a nossa fonética do verdadeiro nome deste prato turco - Kebap - pois de acordo com a língua Turca, não pode haver um B no fim de uma palavra e, por isso, eles usam o P no final. Esclarecidos?
Adana tem a ver com a região da Turquia de onde este prato é típico.
Kebab ou Kebap, o que importa é que este prato fica uma delícia, é rápido de fazer e com um total de 310 calorias por 4 doses (deu para 8).
Acompanhei com arroz basmati e salada, mas podem servir com pão pita e salada apenas ou até mesmo como recheio de wraps.
Eu costumo ir ao Efes comer este tipo Kebab's, e daí a ideia. Se vierem passear a Londres, já sabem onde podem ir!
250 gramas de carne picada (magra) de borrego
30 gramas de pão ralado
1 ovo
Paprika fumada
Alho em pó
Ervas da Provença ou Coentros
Temperem a carne com a paprika, sal, pimenta e alho e reservem no frigorífico por 30 minutos para ganhar sabor.
Findo o tempo juntem o ovo e o pão ralado, as ervas da Provença ou os coentros picados e amassem bem de forma a misturar todos os ingredientes e até terem uma pasta.
Moldem os kebab's à volta dos pauzinhos de madeira (normalissímos para as espetadas), disponham no tabuleiro com água ou vinho branco (conforme está na foto) e levem ao forno pré-aquecido a 180C por 20 minutos.
Virem ao fim de 15 só para dourar o lado contrário.
O que vos parece?
First of all, I have to justify the photo! I was so hungry and it was so delicious that I completely forgot to take a picture at the end before I put the fork in it :)
Second point: some of you must be trying to figure out why I wrote Kebap and not Kebab. I explain.
Kebab is the adaptation to our phonetics of the real name of this Turkish dish - Kebap - because according to the Turkish language, there can not be a B at the end of a word and therefore they use the P at the end. Got it?
Adana has to do with the region of Turkey from where this dish is typical.
Kebab or Kebap, what matters is that this dish is delicious, quick to make and with a total of 310 calories per 4 servings (it gave 8).
I served with basmati rice and salad, but you can serve with pita bread and salad or even as a wrap filling.
I usually go to Efes to eat this kind of Kebab's, and hence the idea. If you come to London, you already know where to go!
Second point: some of you must be trying to figure out why I wrote Kebap and not Kebab. I explain.
Kebab is the adaptation to our phonetics of the real name of this Turkish dish - Kebap - because according to the Turkish language, there can not be a B at the end of a word and therefore they use the P at the end. Got it?
Adana has to do with the region of Turkey from where this dish is typical.
Kebab or Kebap, what matters is that this dish is delicious, quick to make and with a total of 310 calories per 4 servings (it gave 8).
I served with basmati rice and salad, but you can serve with pita bread and salad or even as a wrap filling.
I usually go to Efes to eat this kind of Kebab's, and hence the idea. If you come to London, you already know where to go!
250 grams of minced meat (lean) of lamb
30 grams of breadcrumbs
1 egg
Smoked paprika
250 grams of minced meat (lean) of lamb
30 grams of breadcrumbs
1 egg
Smoked paprika
Garlic powder
Herbs of Provence or Coriander
Garlic powder
Herbs of Provence or Coriander
Season the meat with the paprika, salt, pepper and garlic and reserve in the fridge for 30 minutes to gain flavor.
At the end of this time add the egg and the breadcrumbs, the herbs of Provence or the chopped coriander and mix well all the ingredients in order to form a paste.
Shape the kebabs around the wooden chopsticks, put them in a baking tray or pirex with water or white wine (as shown in the picture) and place them in a preheated oven at 180C for 20 minutes.
At the end of 15 min turn them to brown the opposite side.
What do you think?
Season the meat with the paprika, salt, pepper and garlic and reserve in the fridge for 30 minutes to gain flavor.
At the end of this time add the egg and the breadcrumbs, the herbs of Provence or the chopped coriander and mix well all the ingredients in order to form a paste.
Shape the kebabs around the wooden chopsticks, put them in a baking tray or pirex with water or white wine (as shown in the picture) and place them in a preheated oven at 180C for 20 minutes.
At the end of 15 min turn them to brown the opposite side.
What do you think?
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